Our passion is to contribute to a healthy, peaceful world, and to encourage and inspire people to
embrace new healthy habits that will make them fitter, stronger, healthier, and happier!

We believe that having a safe home, access to good food, clean water and air, justice and education should be fundamental rights for all beings.

Science shows that choosing a more plant-based diet results in better health, a cleaner environment and equity.

Simply, there is enough for everyone’s need the more plant and less animal food we eat.

Therefore, we like to inspire you to enjoy and benefit from a plant-based diet and to practice self-responsibility, for both your own health, as well as your world at large. 

By choosing our products, you directly support fair-trade, organic, regenerative agriculture, restoration of biodiversity and nature conservation.

And, you also help to reduce human environmental footprint.

Yes, our forks and knives are powerful instruments.
So let us all use them wisely!

In gratitude,


photo credit: @studiodeep


By the way, Tampopo Foods is more than just an online shop.

For us, it's the tool to contribute to a peaceful, honest society, promoting and re-creating health care, self-responsibility, and respect for both nature and humankind.

Here is a list of complementary educational activities which we provide either ourselves or in partnership with others:

. tailor-made ideal food pattern and lifestyle coaching
. kitchen flow design
. food production, menu, recipe development and advisory support
. cooking workshops and presentations
. wild edible plants excursions with cooking and tasting
. private event caterings
. private chef on tour
. private ginger compresses and shiatsu massage sessions
. life-changing retreats, study weekends and holidays

Feel welcome to contact us: info (AT) tampopofoods.com